Thursday, November 6, 2008

I have changed the tag a bit so sue me.. I just could not stand the grammar mistakes. Told you I am a nerd.

Tagged by Multiple Bloggers

What is your ambition?
*A writer. One whom will change the world.

2. Who is more important to you? Your friends or a significant other?
* Friends

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
* I have often thought of committing murder though. A few names are on my mind.

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
* Yes, although it does not hurt to have slightly more. Then again my head would swell.

5. How many babies you want?
* I am only seventeen.

6. Do you believe in seeing rainbows after rainstorms?
* Well, the rain has to stop eventually. So why not look forward to the rainbows.

7. What is your goal for the year?
* Great results for SPM and to swim again.

8. Do you believe in everlasting love?
* No one loves me more than God.

9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to you? (List 10)
- Kind
- Funny
- Caring
- Sincere
- Has wit
- Does not smoke. (No terrible vices)
- Not Dannyboo old.
- Loves me for me

10.What is your most fav feeling?
* I love feeling free.

11. What are your most embarrassing moments?
* Too many to list. Gosh, I am such a klutz. I blame you people and that monkey.

12. Is there anything you wanna tell the ppl you hate ?
* Hate is such a strong word. Sides I do not hate anyone.

13. Do you cherish every one of your friendships?
* Definitely. (See, I am so nice. Now you all owe me a 2 ringgit tax for that comment.)

14. If you could make 4 wishes, what would it be?-
-Ice cream
-More Ice cream
-And stop global warming, inflation, and go world peace!
-Oh and more ice-cream

15. What do you crave most currently?
* Ice cream

16. Who's hotter,Chace Crawford or Kevin Peake?
* Chace Crawford.. Mey Yie, he's mine!!

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words or more.
*You are all brilliant, Marvelous, Incredible, Talented, Fantastic and Absolutely Lovable.
(See, I'm so nice. That'll be another 3 ringgit tax.)

18. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
*Ate Ice-cream

19. What will you become in another 10 years to come?
* A fantastic, incredible, brilliant, successful world renown Journalist. You have to dream big in order to make sure your dreams come true. Do not hold back people!!

20. What is your favorite subject in high school and why?
* I am a nerd. I love maths, Add maths, English, Art.. ART, ART, ART.. oh I love you ART!!!

Instructions: Tag people!!

Blessings sent to all as I have tagged all of you!! So, there.

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