Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Its been what?
Almost six days and I still can't say a single word without sounding like a chipmunk that is choking on glass. There was a time when only the world could hear me sing with the sound of nails. Now even a simple monkey song hurts my very own ears.

How I wish for the days where I could inflict the torture of my songs and not feel the sting of it. Blast it all!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Everywhere I look, I find adverts of time saving tips or ways to go faster or reach somewhere quicker.
Are we actually saving more time if we do things faster? As we grab every free second of the day, how do we spend those moments? Work, money, lifestyles, friends, social lives, and school. They consume our daily lives and each moment as we hurry along the day. The hours just pass by meaningless.

At the end of the day, there are still people who had dedicated their lives to jobs, grades and the world around them. Yet, why is it do they feel that the years seemed to have wasted away?

Sometimes the question is not how you live your life. Instead, it is what do you live for?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'll stand by you

Monday, January 19, 2009


Sometimes life is best lived and understood with a few simple words and a strong will.

After all, what have you got to lose?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Marry Me

Oh gosh honestly, its cute.

April 1

Popcorn anyone?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Someone wise once told me about everyone having a price. The first thing that usually comes to mind is an exact amount on cash bills or checks.
Yet if you think about it, what you sacrifice could be more than just figures on pieces of papers. It could be your dreams, your life or your one shot at finding happiness. What are you giving up is important. Yet, we tend to forget the importance of what we may be willing to give it up for.
Some often tell me that they will dream big and aim high. Still at the end of the day, would they willingly give it up for something more important- a precious moment spent with family or even financial security? Everyone has a dream and everyone has a price.

The question is, what is yours?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm not tired, honest.*crash* Zzz Zzz.

There comes a time when force and anger is required. And that is when one is faced with the deadliest army known to mankind.
Behold.. Kindergartners.

Yes, they are deadly and require your entire energy span and patience. Constantly demanding, one must always be alert at the sign of noise or quietness. For in silence is where they are most dangerous. Here they unleash untold horrors onto the classroom.
Here they demand the deadliest request.

To be entertained!

Monday, January 5, 2009


As we surround ourselves with people, we tend to make assumptions based on their character. However, a person will always be able to surprise us as no one is 100% predictable. It is human nature to go into a routine. Yet, it is surprising how we tend to either place our will upon the other to either change the person or make him or her stay exactly the same.
Change is inevitable. How we deal with it is entirely up to us.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year.

Should all acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?
Should all acquaintance be forgot and the days of Au Lang Sai (Can't spell, sue me.).
For Au Lang Sai my dear, For Au Lang Sai,
We'll take a cup of kindness yet for Au Lang Sai.


I believe I can fly...

Ah, its amazing the year is over and now it is the 4Th of January. A year filled with promises, new beginnings, new chapters and epiphanies. Yesterday, I spent the night embracing my incapability to go to bed at the right hour.

Instead of forcing myself to close my eyes and count sheep which strangely makes you hungry- I just let it be. Stayed up till what seemed like an ungodly hour but it worked in a way. Although I was totally aware of my surroundings for goodness knows what time.

So what am I going do today on this beautiful Sunday Morn? Should I...Nah.

I know.. I shall eat pancakes.